School Governors are the unsung heroes making a positive contribution to children’s education.

It used to be that the main role of the School Governor was to hear children read, attend prize-giving and merely be seen around the school. However more recently Governors are playing a vital role in shaping the leadership and management of our schools as critical friends.

Governors come from a variety of backgrounds and nationalities and bring with them a range of experiences and skills. The role can be demanding. Governors are now called upon to carry out a whole range of tasks including:

  • Monitoring and reviewing the academy’s Improvement Plan;
  • Evaluating pupil progress and attainment;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account;
  • Ensuring that the academy budget is on track and that money is well spent;
  • Monitoring and reviewing the curriculum

They still do read with pupils, support school trips and help with the Christmas and Spring Fairs and of course, the ‘Nativity’.

However despite the hard work, Governors all speak of the rewards of volunteering. They enjoy working and learning together for the benefit of our children and staff. They want to make a difference to children’s lives and want to be the people who provide that vital link between the academy and the community it serves.

Ofsted recognises that Governance has a critical role to play in school improvement. As a Multi Academy Trust Cidari Education works hard to ensure that its Governors have the skills and expertise to fulfil their role. New Governors have access to a ‘bespoke’ Induction Programme and meet regularly with Governors from the family of 7 Cidari Academies at frequent networks where they receive training and support.

“Attending the Governor Networks has helped me greatly. As a new Governor I have learnt a heck of a lot which has made me feel more confident in my role. Members of the Cidari Central Team are always on hand to offer advice and support”.