Head Teacher
Mrs P Nightingale
Mission Statement
St. Mary's School has a Church of England foundation and has served Newchurch in Pendle and neighbouring villages since 1825.
We value each person as created in the image of God and therefore of infinite worth.
“We aim to learn within a happy, safe and secure environment in which God’s love is ever present”
Vision and Values
Our vision is to:
- Provide equality of opportunity
- Teach children to care for God’s world and nurture a sustainable environment
- Guide children , morally, socially and emotionally
- Provide children with essential skills for life within a creative, stimulating environment
- Embrace modern technology whilst retaining traditional values
- Provide and promote extra-curricular activities
- Foster positive relationships with parents, the community and the church
- Promote a welcoming community based on trust and mutual respect
- Celebrate achievement
Our Values:
Christian Ethos | Enjoyment | Forgiveness | Positive Attitudes | Honesty | Respect | Kindness | Trust | Encouragament | Fairness | Pride
Contact Details
Newchurch St Mary's Primary School - A Church of England Academy
Spenbrook Road,
Newchurch in Pendle,
Lancashire BB12 9JP
School contact details are:
Telephone number - 01282 612191
Facsimile number - 01282 612191
Email - head@st-marys-newchurch.lancs.sch.uk
Website: https://stmarysnewchurch.co.uk/