Are you interested in supplying goods or services to our Trust?
We have several current and future procurement and supply opportunities. We would like to invite you to register details about your business and your business needs via the form below (a direct link to the form is available by clicking here). This will ensure we have up-to-date details so we can keep you informed on supply chain news and tender opportunities relevant to you and your business, and understand how best we can work with you.
We follow best practice as set out in DfE, ESFA (Academy Trust Handbook) and other national guidance when purchasing goods or services, including taking advantage of nationally agreed frameworks where appropriate.
Please do not cold call the central office or any of our Academies as we will only redirect to this form.
We are interested in building trusted partnerships with a wide range of local, regional, and national businesses. The information you provide will help to inform our approach to supply chain engagement, including how best we can ensure small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and local businesses have opportunities to work with our Trust in achieving the best possible outcomes for our young people.
Please feel free to share the link to the registration form with any business you think might be interested in becoming a supplier for Cidari Multi Academy Trust.
Our immediate procurement pathways include:
- Cleaning Partners (For appointment Q2 2025)
- Reprographics Partners (For appointment Q4 2024)
- Hygiene & Washroom Services Partners
- General Buildings Maintenance Partners
- Estates Consultants
We are NOT currently active in the market for the following services:
- Energy & Utilities
- Website
- Broadband or Telephony
- Finance, HR or MIS systems
- Compliance and Contract Management Systems
However you are welcome to register your details for future opportunities.