Cidari Multi Academy Trust as the responsible body considers and agrees the strategic direction for the academies within the Trust. The Local Governing Committee is responsible for ensuring the delivery of these strategic objectives and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the academy. It is a part of the accountable body and as such:

  • implements the strategic direction for the academy by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the academy within the agreed policy framework;

  • monitors and evaluates the work of the academy by reviewing the performance of the Headteacher, the effectiveness of implementing the policy framework, progress towards and the effectiveness of  the school improvement strategy, performance against statutory targets and manages a devolved  budgets and staffing structures;

  • holds the Headteacher to account for the performance of the academy and ensures that parents are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate, with information to the community being made available as required.

In order to do this, Governors need to gain knowledge of how their academy operates through training, by attending meetings, and by getting to know their academy community, for example through a small number of visits to the academy during the school day.

Governors need to work together as a team, under the leadership of the Chair of the Local Governing Committee. Cidari requires all members of Local Governing Committees to sign up to a Code of Practice available by clicking here or in the Governance Key Dates & Publications section.