Many Local Governing Committees meet more frequently than this, and most also delegate work to committees and/or working parties and task groups which meet between the Local Governing Committee meetings. Governors will be expected to play a full role in agreeing how their Local Governing Committee works, and then in supporting this. In addition some Governors volunteer to fulfil specific roles, such as being the Special Educational Needs Governor, or the Health and Safety Governor, or the Link Governor for a particular year or subject.

Most Governors arrange a couple of shorter visits to school and classrooms focusing on key priorities so that they can see how the school is addressing issues identified for development. In addition, informal visits to special events such as drama productions and sports day are generally encouraged.

In addition there may be requirements to join wider Cidari Governors' Network Meetings and bespoke training. Such meetings and support sessions are programmed well in advance. Further details can be found in the Governors Support section whilst a timetable of sessions for this academic year is available in our Key Dates and Publications section (Opens in new window).