The Department for Education (DfE) introduced a presumption that any school falling into an Ofsted category or persistently failing to meet floor standards for attainment and levels of progress would be expected to move to academy status with a sponsor.
The MAT is directly accountable to the Secretary of State for Education for the performance of the school. This is set out in the Funding Agreement which also regulates the budget, admissions, behaviour and special needs. The sponsor takes on the responsibility for every aspect of the school, ensuring all services are provided and becomes both the employer and the admissions authority.
The Diocese of Blackburn set up the CIDARI Multi Academy Trust to act as a sponsor for underperforming church schools in the Diocese and to welcome and support converter schools wishing to join the CIDARI family of academies.
The purpose of the trust is to maintain and ensure rapid improvement of schools which need support now (and in the future) and to act as a vehicle for enabling the sharing of best practice and economies to be achieved across the group of academies.